Kojima Productions presents... The Most Exciting Game... EVER!

Developed by Bennett Tang, David Li, Yinuo Ji, and Yongxi Lu.

You are playing a game of illusion where objects are ordinary but size is variable! You will be required to think outside-the-box to complete some of the levels using forced perspective optical illusion. Manipulate the size of the seemingly ordinary objects in your environment to help you reach that door.


Reach the door to complete the level. Use objects in the level to help you overcome the obstacles. You can pick up objects in your line of sight when your crosshair turns green, and these objects will scale in size depending on where you drop it.


- In-game pause menu

W - Move Forward

A - Move Left

S - Move Back

D - Move Right

Q - Rotate object by x-axis

E - Rotate object by y-axis


LEFT MOUSE - Pick up/Drop objects





If you're looking at an object and your crosshair doesn't turn green, it is likely your mouse went off calibration. Due to WebGL security settings, you will need to manually calibrate your mouse/crosshair in-game. This can be simply done by pausing the game (P key), align your mouse to the centre of the screen where you see your crosshair, then un-pause by pressing the P key again. Also, you could click at the crosshair position when first loading into the level, or restarting a level.

Off calibrated mouse and crosshair.

Calibrate by aligning your mouse with the crosshair in the pause menu.

Calibrated mouse.


Level One - By David

Level Two - By Yongxi

Level Three - By Bennett

Level Four - By Yinuo